Monday, September 8, 2014

Day Thirty One & Beyond

I realize I'm awful at updating daily. And now that my first month is over, I think I'll condense some posts. 

The last few days I've done Core, Sweat, and Strength Intervals. Today I think I'll do Sculpt or Buns. I'm doing really well. I'm proud of myself every day. I figured out the other day that I can finally do a complex move and I was actually so excited I cried a little.

Diet is going fine. My FitBit really does help me stay motivated, as stupid as that sounds. As of this morning, I'm officially down TWENTY pounds! At the rate I'm going, I'll reach my first goal by Christmas. Which makes me so proud and happy I could explode. My second goal will be a few months after Christmas. My FitBit says end of April. We'll see what happens. 

I'm just so proud of myself for sticking to this. For not giving up. For proving to myself that I'm worth it! My thirties are gonna be AWESOME.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Day Thirty

Well. I was right about my daughter being sick. Nose is running and she's whiny and cuddly and is flat out refusing to nap. Sigh. 

Things looked promising for a minute and I completed 20 minutes of Drench before the husband and I couldn't take her screaming any longer. Not even halfway through, but at least I managed a small workout. I was dripping in sweat when I was done!

Hamstring update: PAIN. But working out wasn't causing any more additional pain, so I persevered.

I should repeat Drench tomorrow, but I'm not sure this little lady will sleep that long in the morning. Or if she'll even sleep through the night. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

I'm still stalled at this same weight. We walked our son to school twice this week (round trip is about three miles per trip), yard work, and working out every day while closely watching caloric intake has resulted in stalling. Again. 

Not giving up. Just whining. And maybe a little crying. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Day Thirty

Buns, hun!

In addition to doing Buns, I mowed the whole yard and then spent an hour pulling weeds with Nick. Ohhhh my aching legs. 

Actually, I think I actually hurt my hamstring in my left leg. I went a little deep on a move and it's absolutely in pain now. That's frustrating because I'm supposed to be doing Drench tomorrow. I also haven't been sore in a while now, and let me just say that I haven't really missed it haha.

I'm also noticing that my daughter is acting like she doesn't feel good again. Hope she's just tired. =(

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Day Twenty Nine

Strength Intervals. 

Not much to report, really. Made it through. I love how short it is because I don't feel like I need to pace myself.

Diet is steady as she goes. I'm apparently stalling at this same weight for several days now. Which is annoying but I refuse to give up. The temptation is there to have a cheat day. Especially given what week it is. But I'm trying to remain strong. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Day Twenty Eight

Core! It's still my favorite, followed closely by Strength Intervals, believe it or not. 

Not much to really report. It's getting easier and easier to do the moves. I'm starting to unmodify more and more of the moves. It's not as hard as I thought. 

I'm noticing my relationship to food is starting to change. I'm viewing it purely as fuel now, rather than...I don't I'm not seeking it out when I'm stressing (I still WANT it, but I'm not indulging) or sad or angry. My self control is better. I'm getting increasingly proud of myself. 

I really am changing my life. And it feels really good!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Day Twenty Seven

Finished Sweat with almost ease. I realized halfway through it was pretty easy, so I increased my intensity. Further stretches, deeper lunges, wider squats.

It worked! I'm feeling it now! This cold has me barely able to breathe, though, and now I'm extra feeling the aches and pains from the cold.

Husband has been PiYo-ing with me lately and he also did Sweat today. He has some work to do, but he did so well. Super proud of us.

**It's a slow process, but quitting will make it even slower!**

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Day Twenty Six

Sooooo sick. Stupid cold.

In between fighting my fever, battling chills, and taking care of my dad's two dogs all day, I did Sculpt for the first time. I did everything except the backward tricep pushup on the chair. I'm not really sure what it's called. But I attempted one and decided NOPE. I'll try when I'm not sick. Even then, I'm not sure I can do them! I don't trust my chair!

I'm proud for still doing this stuff while sick. I may not be pushing myself quite as hard as I usually do, but I'm still working it! And I'm still moving. My diet is still on track too. 950 calories today. Which isn't a lot, but I'm sick and have no appetite. I had to force myself to eat dinner. 

In lady news, I'm approaching an unpleasant week and I already don't feel fabulous cramp wise. Hoping the movements will help ease the pain a little. And I'm hoping my cold is gone before it starts. Harumph.